GMO Guido's Blog

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Category: GMO (page 2 of 3)

Post relacionados con GMO

La fiebre de las etiquetas a los No-OGM alcanzó su punto máximo?

“No hay lechuga No-OGM” dijo Nucci “Eso nos hizo pensar: Por qué estamos haciendo esto? Estamos perpetuando el miedo de que hay algo malo con los OGMs. No nos sentimos bien haciendo esto, así que decidimos eliminar las etiquetas” – Artículo por Diana Bradley, para PR Week.

Has the Non-GMO label fever peaked? Major vegetable packing firm removes ‘fear perpetuating’ label

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Has the Non-GMO label fever peaked?

“There is no GMO lettuce,” said Nucci. “It made us go: Why are we doing this? We are perpetuating a fear that something is wrong with GMOs. We didn’t feel right doing that, so we chose to take that label off.” – Diana Bradley, PR Week.

Has the Non-GMO label fever peaked? Major vegetable packing firm removes ‘fear perpetuating’ label

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March against Monsanto Denver claimed that GM papaya kills pollinators and soil bacteria.

March Against Monsanto Denver claimed that GM papaya kills pollinators and soil bacteria.

I asked about their sources and their evidence, they asked me to do my own research.

Well, I am a biologist. I have devoted half of my life, even before I was an adult, to do my own research. I have seen all sort of ridiculous and crazy claims, and there is never evidence.

There is no research or peer reviewed papers linking GM papayas to pollinator death or to soil decay. This is simply a lie. March Against Monsanto is lying. This is not a different opinion, this is not one of those sketchy papers in marginal journals. Simply, there is no evidence, that claim is complete and utter bullshit.

I don’t know why these people have to lie to make their point. They demand transparency from others, they demand respect, yet the lie, they discriminate and they insult.

I f I am proved wrong, I will make a public apology and make a donation to an organic charity of their choice. I will record the apology and upload it to YouTube.

All I ask is hard evidence of damage to pollinators AND damage to soil bacteria by GM papaya. Peer reviewed papers will do.

This is their opportunity to shut me up, to prove I am wrong and make me pay money to a charity of their choice. The ball is in their court. Will they pass this wonderful opportunity to make me look like a moron and discredit my activism or will they ignore it because they lied?

Come on, foks! Come and teach me. Shut me up. Prove that I have no idea about what I am talking. Do it before June 1st.

Pro-science folks, feel free to share this with your closest MAM group.


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Many anti GMO activists have no respect for minorities and while they will support american millionaires who make money scamming people, they will accuse hard working scientists from poor countries, people that makes less than USD 1000 a year, of being shills.

illustration: Elías Martínez, 2017

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Muchos activistas anti transgénicos no tienen ningún respeto por las minorías. No tienen problemas con millonarios estadounidenses que ganan dinero estafando a la gente, pero insultan a científicos de países pobres, gente que no gana ni 1000 dólares al año y los acusan de estar vendidos

Ilustración: Elías Martínez, 2017

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¿Greenpeace International realmente se preocupa por al ambiente?

Creo que no. Han permanecido en silencio con respecto al gran ecocidio que está teniendo lugar en Venezuela, donde compañías rusas de minería están destruyendo la selva tropical amazónica en el Parque Nacional Roraima. Cientos de especies únicas están siendo aniquiladas, y Greenpeace no ha dicho una sola palabra. Pueden revisar su sitio web y verán que no hay mención alguna sobre esto. La destrucción ambiental es real, y está siendo completamente ignorada, mientras que los riesgos teóricos y extremadamente improbables de los OMG se exageran y se promueven implacablemente.
Ellos tampoco se preocupan por la gente, tal como lo han demostrado al oponerse al Arroz Dorado

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Avances sobre “Cultivos Silenciados”

Casi terminamos la filmación. Quería compartir con ustedes esta foto. Tenemos 66 gigabytes de video. Ni siquiera tengo acceso a ella, ya que la velocidad de internet de Venezuela es tan lenta.
Ha tomado mucho tiempo, mucho más de lo que pensamos, pero es un proyecto mucho más grande de lo que pensamos que sería. Es un documental mejor, más y más complejo, con más gente.
Me siento humilde, ha sido un largo camino, pero casi llegamos al final. Sólo espero que la larga noche que mi gente se acabe pronto y podamos ver el amanecer.


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More about “Silenced Crops”

We are almost done with the filming. I wanted to share with you this picture. We have 66 gigabytes of video. I do not even have access to it, as the Venezuelan internet speed is so slow.

I has taken a long time, a lot more than we thought, but it is a much larger project than we thought it’d be. It is a better documentary, longer and more complex, with more people.

I am humbled, it has been a long road, but we are almost at the end. I just hope that the long night that my people are going through ends soon and we can see the dawn.



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Saying NO to Orinoco Mining Arch in Venezuela

The Venezuelan Government is promoting the Orinoco Mining Arch as an exit to the current Venezeulan crisis. Some people say it will give us 20 billion dollars of income.

A herd of 5000 to 10000 GM goats that make lactoferrin on their milk would igve us the same income, but since we spent the last 17 years demonising genetic engineering while not investing in research and development. We bought tons of arms and and Russian planes, so no GM goats, we’ll suck the mercury.

That’s Chávez legacy.

We could have been Singapore, but the majority chose Zimbabwe.



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Silenced Crops First Trailer!

Recently I was able to show for the first time this trailer of Silenced Crops. This is what I said, roughly, as I didn’t write my speech, I said it as it came out, spontaneously:

Sixteen years ago we had advanced biotechnology in Venezuela. Today, we are starving.

More than 60% of Venezuelans cannot eat three times a day. I am not telling you this because I read the statistics, I am telling you this because some friends and relatives are going through this right now.

16 years ago, a group of zealots destroyed a field of transgenic papayas and managed to make fierce opposition to GMOs part of the government policy.

Now, I won’t tell you that we are starving because we don’t use GMOs. That would not be true. But there is a connection between the food crisis and the GMO rejection. Hunger is what happens when your agricultural and economic policies are not based on facts, science and evidence. It’s what happens when your policies are based on rumors, lies, dogma and blind ideology.

I am making this documentary not only to tell you what happened 16 years ago, but to show that hunger is the price that people pay for the irrationality of their rulers.

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