March Against Monsanto Denver claimed that GM papaya kills pollinators and soil bacteria.

I asked about their sources and their evidence, they asked me to do my own research.

Well, I am a biologist. I have devoted half of my life, even before I was an adult, to do my own research. I have seen all sort of ridiculous and crazy claims, and there is never evidence.

There is no research or peer reviewed papers linking GM papayas to pollinator death or to soil decay. This is simply a lie. March Against Monsanto is lying. This is not a different opinion, this is not one of those sketchy papers in marginal journals. Simply, there is no evidence, that claim is complete and utter bullshit.

I don’t know why these people have to lie to make their point. They demand transparency from others, they demand respect, yet the lie, they discriminate and they insult.

I f I am proved wrong, I will make a public apology and make a donation to an organic charity of their choice. I will record the apology and upload it to YouTube.

All I ask is hard evidence of damage to pollinators AND damage to soil bacteria by GM papaya. Peer reviewed papers will do.

This is their opportunity to shut me up, to prove I am wrong and make me pay money to a charity of their choice. The ball is in their court. Will they pass this wonderful opportunity to make me look like a moron and discredit my activism or will they ignore it because they lied?

Come on, foks! Come and teach me. Shut me up. Prove that I have no idea about what I am talking. Do it before June 1st.

Pro-science folks, feel free to share this with your closest MAM group.


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