I have developed a thick skin for slander. I am so used to it by now that I don’t even blink, I think. However, I have a raw spot for my friends in Venezuela. They are already going through the one of the most hellish countries in the world, and still have to be insulted by privileged people in rich countries? That’s too much. That’s where I draw the line.

While I mostly use the attacks against me as a way to show the kind of things the anti GMO movement does, my friend Johnny actually showed up at closed group where they posted the video making fun of me. He left polite but strong messages asking questions and telling them that it was racist to make fun of someone because of their non-perfect English.

Johnny was not simply banned, but he got a message from David Hughes, the person who uploaded the video. He got called all sort of names, it was a racist message loaded with homophobic vitriol (even if Johnny is straight) and also a misogynistic message, as it used “whore” as an insult.
Those of you that know me well know my deep respect for sexual workers, and that I am gay, so this message really pissed me off.

So, in a nutshell this is what the anti GMO movement has become: Privileged white people hurling insults to poor people that don’t agree with them.

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